Monday, December 03, 2007

Forbidden Dream #2

I saw you come up towards me
I, smirking
You, curious
Wanting to know what you
Wanted to find out

I had a secret

Full of repressed joy
Took my receptive
Picked up your exhilarated thoughts
Sat me down onto some bed
Inside some strangely familiar room

What's the secret?

Its not what you were hoping

You took me into your bold arms
Choosing the forbidden
Fuck the conventions
Attempting to
Steal a kiss

I was still
Taken aback
My teeth lock-jawed
Over your finger
Over the moment

What came of your desire
That now became mine?

A common

12/4 2am EST

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

peace Queen!

this piece/peace is dope!
it's like an experience any1ne can identify @ somepoint.

well i know i have.
